Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Saturday Walk

As most of you know, I moved from the Northern Indiana area to Central New York (state) to be closer to my husband’s oodles of family.  We are settling in finally and got out to enjoy the beautiful weather today.

It’s been weird weather out here. Nice and sunny, near 70, for a day or so, then cold  and rainy. Normally, 50 is not really cold. Not unless you’ve been spoiled by 70 degree weather. Then 50 feels like 30. I wonder why that is??

Anyway, we got out. Here’s a bunch of pics of the kids enjoying the walk around the reservoir today. I’m not in any pics because I took them all.


Here are the kids gathered at the entrance. We had to walk down a pretty steep hill to even get to the good stuff.


A pretty scenic view from the woodsy path.


The woodsy path.


The kids playing by the water.


My youngest daughter posing. She loves the camera!


These trees are growing under water.


Just a weird bent tree.


The other side of the weird bent tree.




the waterfall is the end point of our path. The other side was a lot steeper and much more work. 102_5007

Kids posing again.


Here they are, all lined up.


I told them to do the “thinking man” pose. My son wanted to do something different, LOL.


This fire hydrant is in the middle of the woods. Weird.


It’s behind the concrete block in the middle of the pic. See?


There it is!

When we moved in, I twisted my knee pretty good. I’m still limping around and have to “straight leg” it down stairs. It was a hard tiring walk and I am badly out of shape. But it was fun. I hope to get out there more often.

We even saw a snake. I don’t know how my hubby caught it, but he did. The kids liked it somewhat. I didn’t get any pics, but I did get a video. Cant’ do that yet, so you just have to imagine. LOL.

I’m really glad I got out today. It’s supposed to be cold and rainy tomorrow. Brrr!!


woolspinner said...

What a beautiful area you live in!

Yuri Richardson said...

Shalom Anita,

I just happened upon your blog today and was pleased to see your pictures of the kids out in nature. The pictures are beautiful and thanks for sharing them.

Shalom in Messiah (Yeshua)

Yuri Richardson said...

ps My daughter also knits and has a blog. I'll tell her about yours. Her blog spot is called Growing In Him.