Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm still here

I've been terribly busy with the round of flu and everything else.

I have nothing to show you today. But I have been knitting. I have tons of things OTN so that nothing seems to be getting done!

And I discovered a few UFO's lurking in the back of my closet. What to do about those? Leave them there!

We are going through a major house cleaning/re-arranging right now. I thought we were going to be moving, but it looks as if those plans are nixed for now. Maybe in the summer. This house is just too small for our large family and I long for another bathroom. And a bathtub! Yes, we have NO bathtub. How does that work with kids, you ask? I bought a huge tub from the store and we fill it up. Have to be careful, and only one kid can fit in. Kind of like the olden days. The youngest one gets the last bath since he tends to be the dirtiest. And who wants to wash in that water anyway? Yuck! But we've made it work so far. I just want another bathroom where I can do my thing without having someone banging on the door. Oh yeah, nobody has to pee until you are on the toilet, then ALL of them are going to pee their pants right now!!!

So I've decided to clean up our house and re-arrange slightly. That may trick my mind into believing we actually made the move.  Or not, but it will definitely be new. I've already got the living room done. The cleaning and rearranging added at least another, oh, 5 feet of living space. Nice!

Next we are going to switch rooms with the kids. Currently our 4 kids are sharing a small room. We have the largest one, and that does not seem right. So when all is cleaned and switched out, the kids will have a place to play that's not in the living room. Yay for giving me a break!

Now I just have to get all this junk sorted and free-cycled.

On the knitting front, I am on a mitten kick. Well, I'm in the middle of making my first ever mitten. And the Grown Up Bonnet. It's a bonnet with a scarf attached. Hopefully I have enough yarn to finish it up. I'm also working on a 4X4 ribbed scarf and a pair of socks. Oh yeah, and Cozy, the wrap from Knitty.  I am going to start on some slippers soon too. Our house is sooo freezing it's kind of crazy. What we do to not have to pay an arm and a leg...maybe freeze one off.

I've completed all my swaps. Hooray!!! This last one just about killed me. I'm already signed up for a few more, but they are quick and easy: dishcloths. I can whip up a few of those in a few hours. In fact, the last one I made was on the way back to IN from NY. I call it my NY cloth since it was completed entirely in the state of NY.  Just a simple Grandma's Favorite.  I'm still thinking of joining the mini purse swap hosted on Ravelry. I have until the end of this month to sign up. We'll see where I am then.

I am also trying to get the snowflake cloth done. We'll see. The cast on is 158 stitches. Which I've done about 3 times. But I'll get it yet!! Maybe tonight.


Lastly, my little baby boy is growing up. He crawled for the first time today. It was so bittersweet, knowing this will be the last time I will get so excited about my baby crawling. And he's already trying to pull himself up (mostly on me, LOL) so I think in another 3 months my baby will be a toddler. Awww. Time goes by so fast. I am enjoying him so much and I'm not ready for him to be an active mobile little guy. Maybe because my oldest will be 16 soon...that will be 2 milestones I will have to face. But I still have time.

Tomorrow is my Fiber Frolic with my knitting group. I will post pics and share. So get ready!

1 comment:

Aunt Kathy said...

Can't wait to see those mittens

Yeah I remember my baby growing up, but don't be sad... there will one day be grandchildren