Tuesday, January 17, 2012

River Sock Frustration

So, I want to knit 12 pairs of sock this year, and I'm pretty much using the patterns that are in my queue from Ravelry. I want to narrow it down, at least bring it below 200, LOL! 
To start on January's sock, I needed to finish up the sock I already had OTN. I could have been done by the end of 2011 if I would have checked my notes and cast on the proper amount of stitches.
In turning the heel for sock #2, I discovered this mistake and had to frog the WHOLE thing and start over!!!  URGG!! This was probably around the 27th of December, and I knew I would have been able to finish the sock by the 31st.
So instead, I put the sock to the side (out of disgust) and on the first I cast on for my mittens. I worked on them, cast on for my cowl. and looked at the offending sock.
I worked on it,  still a bit disgusted. I finished one mitten, cast on for mitten two, and worked on my cowl. All the while knitting a few rows on the sock here and there. I figure if I finish at least one of my projects, I can put all my attention to knitting the sock.  But then I just wanted the sock to be an FO and figured I would just crank it out, right?
I turned the heel, no problem this time. I picked up the stitches to form the gusset. And then the trouble starts. Am I such a newbie I can't read the pattern? I think so. The gusset is off. I need to rip back to the  picking up of stitches and redo the gusset. This sock is really trying my patience.
Out of disgust, I wound my skeins for my January sock and cast on. It's slow going, but I know I can pump these out fairly quickly. I'm going to need to, seeing as I only have 2 more weeks in January to complete my goals for the month. I'll finish the Pink River socks...someday. I do  like the pattern enough to want to finish them.
My January sock is called Pinstripe, a very easy 6 stitch repeat with a slip stitch in there. Nice! I'm going to do a short row heel. And since these are on 2's, it should be a bit faster.
I'll have my mittens done in a few hours of knitting time. It helps that I can listen to audio books on my ipod (downloaded from the library, don't you love free books?) I just finished the Hunger Games Trilogy and now I'm listening to The Help. Hopefully I'll be back on with an FO update by Friday. In the meantime, here's a peek at my finished mitten #1:

The top and bottom of the mitten. I'm using Vanna's Choice on size 1 needles. It makes a thick, warm fabric, probably not waterproof, but hopefully windproof! 

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